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The Gift


I went to a party the other day

It was the birthday of a very special friend

All I had was a card,

I didn't know what else to give.


I hoped he wouldn't be disappointed.

But in my heart, I feared he would.

Others brought gifts and treasures galore.

Many things, to a king, one would give.


Sitting on the table with all the others,

Sat my only offering, nothing else, I had.

I was so ashamed, I almost left.

Instead, I went into a corner to hide.


On and on the party dragged.

And all the guests laughed and laughed

At the little card on the table.

They laughed so hard, I cried.


It was a perfect party.

Everybody who was anybody was there.

When I walked through the door,

It didn't seem that this is where I belong.


Then my friend appeared,

The guest of honor, He was;

He opened the gifts, largest to smallest.

The clock slowly ticked on.


The guests all oohed and aahed,

As they tried to outdo each other.

My friend barely smiled at each one he opened.

At long last, one thing remained.


A lowly envelope now sat alone.

We all sat and stared

As my friend reached for the card.

My heart was full of pain.


Quietly, he read the card,

His smile was warm and glowing as he read,

"Love, Your Friend."

"This is the best gift I received!" he beamed.


"All I ever wanted was to be loved

As unconditionally as I love each of you."

"That is the greatest gift of all,

Since I died for everyone, just to show my love."


My heart is now happy and light

As I now see, it isn't silver or gold

That determines the value of anything.

But the love carried behind it.


Allan Purl


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